Right Care, First Time

Please support the team to support you.

There are many other clinicians and support for you other than asking to see a GP.

The Insitute of General Practice Management have produced a video for all Patients to view about who the reception team (Care Navigators they are now called) will signpost you to as the right clinician or staff member for you to see.

This video explains why you don’t always need to see the GP.


Right Care, First Time (VIDEO TO WATCH)

The NHS is in crisis – Help patients access the “Right Care, First Time”

General practice is facing unprecedented pressure. Demand is exceeding capacity, patients are facing longer delays and abuse in practice is rising as a result.

Here are some of the professionals at the Practice, you as patients have access to:

Care Coordinators

Social Prescribers

First Contact Physiotherapists

Clinical Pharmacists

Health Care Assistants

Practice Nurses

Nurse Practitioners

Advanced Nurse Practitioners

Thank you for watching the video and engaging with the care navigators (reception team) to find the Right Care, First Time so that those that really need GPs can see them.

Your team at Mickleover Medical Centre